Legal Disclosures

Published: November 9, 2023 (Updated: August 2, 2024)

In an effort to be as transparent as possible, The Strawberry Patch would like to make the following disclosures.

Some pages may contain affiliate links. If you click on an affiliate link and later make a purchase, we may receive a small commission. Clicking on an affiliate link will not result in additional charges to you or cost anything extra. Mentions of associate products/services within The Strawberry Patch may not be noted as an affiliate link in every instance. Money earned from these links helps pay the fees to keep The Strawberry Patch up and running and allows us to purchase new products to review.

We are sometimes provided compensation in exchange for our opinions on products, service, or other topics. Any compensated post will be identified at the beginning of the post, including the nature of the compensation. Although we sometimes receive compensation, our opinions and beliefs are always honest and based on real findings and experiences. The views and opinions expressed on this site are purely those of the authors.

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