Sexual Wellness Advice

Take a stroll down The Strawberry Patch’s Sexual Wellness lane - a vibrant, invigorating space where we celebrate the symphony of self-love, the ethos of sex positivity, the debunking of deceptive myths, and the dismantling of age-old taboos.

Here, your sexual wellness takes center-stage as we delve into stimulating conversations and offer insightful pieces designed to help you embrace your body, your desires, and your pleasure. We firmly believe that everyone deserves a fulfilling and enjoyable sexual journey, free from shame and brimming with self-confidence.

In this blossoming orchard, you’ll find articles that cast light on the more nuanced facets of sex and celebrate inclusivity in all its radiant glory. So join us in this exciting exploration of sexual wellness… and remember, love starts with you.

Negative thoughts creeping in

Silencing the Critic Within

How to Overcome Negative Self-Talk

How is that little voice in your head doing? Is it saying things that fill you with energy and happiness or is it making you feel down? That little voice in your head is responsible for what we call self-talk and its positivity or negativity can greatly affect your opinions, emotions, and views of yourself and others. Negative self-talk can have a serious impact on your confidence, sexuality, and your body image, affecting both your pleasure and sex drive.
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Discover the Health Impacts of Masturbation

Unveiling the Truth Behind the Taboo

December 19, 2023 Tags: Sexual Wellness Self Care Masturbation
Masturbation has been stigmatized, shrouded in secrecy, and misunderstood due to societal norms and outdated taboos. But what if this ‘solo activity’ is the unsung hero in the realm of wellness, hiding a list of surprising health benefits under its veil? Let’s pull back the curtain and take an unbiased look at the health side of masturbation, dispelling myths and misconceptions along the way.