A quick lesson on the legend called Squirting
Because anything he can do she can do better

Published: July 26, 2024

Tags: Sexual Education Sexual Wellness Orgasm

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Squirt guns
Squirting can be fun for all!

Everyone has heard about it. Men love to brag about it. But no one can seem to agree on the details. Let’s talk about squirting.

Researchers can’t agree on whether it or the g-spot exists so we are gonna combine some research and personal experience and I’ll give you everything I can on what it is and how to do it for yourself or your partner.

Why all the hype

This all sounds very messy so why would anyone be interested in trying it? According to one study ( https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23350685/ ) nearly 80% of women who experience squirting say that it improved their sex lives. Women describe the sensation of squirting differently, but almost all of them agree that it feels different than a “normal” orgasm. Some women claim it’s more intense, some say less, some say they feel it deeper. Regardless, it’s definitely worth a try if you haven’t.

For those with partners, most people say that experiencing such an obvious sign of sexual satisfaction is very arousing. Men have such an obvious climax and it makes them feel good to visibly see the effect they had on you! 🙂

What is squirting

What is squirt? Is it just pee? No!

Research has been conducted on the chemical makeup of various liquids emitted by vulva owners during sex . While it contains some similar compositions, the notable difference is a prostate specific antigen (PSA). This is what leads to calling it female ejaculation, or squirting, and the g-spot the female prostate. Women don’t have a prostate but this composition is very similar to what is in male semen. Female ejaculation or squirt is generally clear and can be anywhere from a teaspoon to a super soaker. Bring a towel or get a waterproof blanket. 😈

Research is conflicting about how many women can squirt , but it’s widely agreed that all vulva owners have the mechanics to do it. This means that it’s most likely a “when” you can question instead of an “if.” Finding the right thing that works for you and your partner and being comfortable enough to explore until you find it!

How to explore squirting

Alright so I’ve convinced you that this sounds fun but how do you go about it? Here are the steps I would follow, but as always, feel free to adapt to what works best for you!

Get prepared

One thing that everyone agrees helps the likelihood of a Niagara Falls style performance is a bit of preparation to get your body, and equally importantly your mind, ready. While it does take a bit of the spontaneity out of it, it really does help when you’re first learning.

While it might seem contradictory, two of the most important things you can do to prepare are to make sure you hydrate and… go to the bathroom. Hydration is important because over half of adults are chronically dehydrated and you can’t really fill your super soaker unless you have water to spare. 😛 Going pee is important because one huge hurdle for a lot of women is that before you squirt it might feel like you need to pee really bad. As we already covered, squirting isn’t peeing, but a lot of the same muscles are invited to the party and if you’ve never done this before your body doesn’t really know what it is feeling. So going to the bathroom beforehand can help you get over that feeling because you have already handled it.

Set the stage

When it is finally time, get your space ready for the show. Get rid of any distractions and set the mood with candles or music or whatever does it for you. And protect your bed just in case, nobody likes sleeping in the wet spot. Seriously, even your first time can be impressive. A couple of towels work or they make special absorbent blankets. Our personal favorite is to just use some waterproof sheets so we’re always prepared.

Build tension

Foreplay is always important but that is doubly true when trying to squirt. Extra foreplay heightens arousal which increases blood flow to all your erogenous zones and it gives time for your Skene’s glands which are believed to produce the fluid involved in squirting to do their job. Remember to take your time and enjoy the journey to maximize the experience.

Target the g-spot

The g-spot will be your primary target if your goal is to squirt. One of the most effective ways to do this is to use your middle and ring fingers, curling them upward (as in toward the belly button not the butt) and stroking them along the upper wall of the vagina in a “come hither” motion.

A hand in the come hither motion
Gently but firmly stroke the g-spot in a "come hither" motion

One or two inches inside you should feel a different texture, often described as sponge like and it should cause an immediate reaction. If you can’t find it, try more foreplay as this region responds to arousal by swelling and should become easier to find.

Stay relaxed

As the pressure builds remember to try to stay relaxed, you’re going to have fun whether you squirt or not! If you feel like you’re going to pee, just remember that you already did that and this is something new and exciting.

If you have an orgasm without releasing the flood, don’t worry! Unless you’re completely exhausted, you can just keep going into the magical land of multiple orgasms. Each orgasm helps to build the pleasure which can make squirting more likely. Many women don’t squirt for their first time until they have had multiple orgasms, but it can get easier with practice.

Tips to enjoy the experience

If you would like to try this yourself or with your partner I can offer a few tips to ease your mind and help you out.

  • Seriously, bring a towel, there’s nothing quite as great at getting me out of the mood than thinking about the cleanup. Make that easy on yourself so you don’t need to stress. I like to use these waterproof fitted sheets .
  • Everybody is different so get creative and enjoy yourself.
  • Try different positions! Most women report that the first time they squirted was on their back but many have also said doggy style or almost anything works so do what feels best.
  • Don’t be afraid to bring toys into the mix, try a vibrator or clit sucker toy.
  • It may not happen on your first orgasm, practice makes perfect (yes this goes for sex stuff too…. And it’s just so much fun!! 😁)
  • Edging is a great way to build the anticipation for a bigger, stronger orgasm
  • Even if you have a partner, feel free to try it yourself in private first to reduce the pressure

For me personally I need the clit too. I know I’ve found the right combination when I feel like the sensations are overwhelming. For a long time I wasn’t able to make it past that point until I decided to just go for it and see what happened. Turns out that’s what “about to squirt” feels like for me.


Remember squirting can be a fun new experience, but it’s completely normal not to do it. After all, sex is about pleasure, and as long as you enjoy yourself that’s all that matters. ❤️

If these tips worked for you or something else you tried, please reach out to me! I’d love to hear your stories and tricks! 😍

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