All About Male Orgasm
Celebrate National Orgasm Day with a look at male orgasms

Published: July 31, 2024

Tags: Orgasm

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Abstract representation of male orgasm

July 31st is National Orgasm Day, a celebration of sexual climax and the issues around it. At Strawberry Patch we are celebrating with a deep dive in the male orgasm! Now ladies, don’t you worry! We will be giving you your due in a couple of weeks for International Female Orgasm Day! So let’s take a hard look at the male orgasm, what it is, and why you should probably have more of them.

What is an orgasm

An orgasm is the peak of the sexual response cycle . Everyone responds to stimulation differently and so obviously the timing and intensity of the different phases of the cycle vary from person to person.

Graph of the sexual response cycle
Your results may vary :P


The sexual response cycle starts with the excited phase and can be triggered both intentionally or unintentionally through subconscious thoughts. It is typically a response to touch or sights but can also result just from sexually charged thoughts. The excitement phase causes physical arousal, your heart beating faster and increased blood flow, usually with an erection.


The plateau phase is a longer and stronger encore of the excitement phase. Your heart rate and blood pressure rise further, causing more blood flow and a larger and stronger erection. This phase is where you can really influence the strength of your orgasm by stretching it out with extra stimulation or edging to build even more tension.


Orgasm is the very peak of the cycle where arousal is highest. It can last just a few seconds or up to several minutes for lucky individuals. If you’re going to cum, this is when it happens.

Resolution and refraction

After orgasm your body begins to wind down back to your baseline. Your erection fades and your muscles relax. Often you will feel deeply relaxed or even drowsy. Most people experience a refractory period where the body does not respond to sexual stimulus normally, sometimes even resulting in pain. This period can be mere seconds or up to a day or more, especially in older men.

You don’t have to cum

While orgasm and ejaculation are often thought of as the same thing, at least in men, they are actually two different events and either can happen without the other. So called dry orgasms are usually harmless and feel just as good as an ejaculatory orgasm. In fact, some people actively work towards non-ejaculatory orgasms for various reasons. Often you experience a reduced refractory period or even experience multiple orgasms when you don’t ejaculate. There is also an old Taoist belief where not ejaculating allows you to recycle your body’s energy.

More orgasms might save your life

A study of over 30 thousand men suggests that ejaculating up to 21 times a month may reduce your risk of developing prostate cancer . Orgasm also results in increased levels of oxytocin and dopamine, both are associated with reduced stress and generally positive emotions. Another study showed that men with more orgasms in a year had a substantially lower risk of death , especially from cardiovascular causes.

It’s not all about your dick

Believe it or not, you can have an orgasm from more than just penile stimulation. Almost every erogenous zone is capable of triggering an orgasm, especially with prolonged stimulation. Orgasms that result from stimulation of these other areas are more likely to be a more powerful full body orgasm than one that is centered on your dick. So feel free to have an extended cuddle session with your partner that incorporates lots of touching of your scalp, feet, inner thighs, or anywhere else that feels good.

Nipple Orgasm

Your nipples are packed full of nerve endings, yes even man nipples. These nerves have the same sensory superhighway to your brain as your penis, the genital sensory cortex. Because of this it is thought that almost anyone can get pleasure from nipple stimulation. Nipple orgasms are often described as a slow burn that surprises you with a powerful full body finale.

Try laying down and working some chest and nipple massage into your typical masturbation routine or encouraging your partner to try it out with their hands, fingers, lips or tongue!

Prostate Orgasm

The prostate is often called the “male g-spot” because of its near universal ability to trigger powerful full body orgasms. Your prostate is a walnut sized gland between your penis and your bladder and is best stimulated anally.

You or your partner can tease your prostate with a finger or a toy. Don’t forget the lube and as always, start slowly and progress from rubbing the outside, to the inside, and finally seeking out the prostate. A prostate orgasm is a great way to conclude a blowjob for an enterprising partner!

How to have a better orgasm

The quality of your orgasm, and sex in general, is limited by your personal fitness. In general higher levels of both physical and mental health correlate with better sex. Alcohol use, smoking, or other drugs can also make it difficult to orgasm. Beyond this, here are some specific practices that can help increase your sexual satisfaction.


Prolonging the period of arousal helps build more sexual tension that can drive a stronger orgasm. It can also lead to you learning to feel where your personal tipping point is and riding just below it to make sex last as long as you want!

To try it out for yourself, do what you normally would until you start to feel like you need to come, then switch, reduce, or even pause the stimulation. When you first experiment you don’t want to get too close to your tipping point but when you get a better feel for it you can get much closer, even turning it into a game.

Pelvic floor exercises

Your pelvic floor muscles fire when you orgasm and are one of the primary factors in the strength of your ejaculation. Strengthening your pelvic floor can also help you to hold back your ejaculation and have sex for longer. You can improve the strength of these muscles by practicing an exercise like Kegels . A simple way to do this is to clench the muscles you use to stop from peeing and hold them for a few seconds. Do this 10 times a day, slowly building up to holding for 10 seconds each time.

Cleaning up

While men’s orgasms seem simple, this was just an overview of the depths of pleasure that can be achieved. In later weeks we will be taking a look at the penis, testicles, cum, and how to make all of that better. I hope that you have learned something and that you plan to come back for more, after making sure to have an orgasm or seven that is. If you want some help with that, check out our awesome toy reviews!

Until then, Catch you on the wild side! 🐺

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