Slip, Slide & Decide
Navigating the Diverse World of Personal Lubricants

Published: November 3, 2023

Tags: Lube

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Many varieties of lube
Basically you've got options...

Think you know everything about personal lubricants? Think again! Dive into the vast and varied universe of lubes, uncovering their secrets and discovering your perfect match. From water-based wonders to sumptuous silicone, there’s more to lube than meets the eye. Ready to slide into knowledge?

The world of personal lubricants is as diverse as the individuals who benefit from them. From simply ensuring comfort during intimate moments to enhancing pleasure to new heights, lube has found its essential place in bedrooms worldwide. Yet, with a plethora of options available, how does one determine the ideal choice for their unique needs? Whether you’re new to the concept or already have a whole drawer full and are looking to explore different varieties, understanding the types of lubes and their distinct properties can significantly impact your intimate experiences.

First off, no judgments here (and hopefully not in your bedroom either)! Lube isn’t just for those who need a little extra help with natural moisture. Nope! A study of over 2000 women showed that lube jazzed things up for over 70% of women . So even if things are naturally flowing, a quick drop of lube might just add that extra zing.

This article endeavors to illuminate the different types of personal lubricants, shedding light on their characteristics and guiding you toward finding your perfect match in the vast ocean of options. Whether for comfort, exploration, or simply enhancing those special moments, let’s dive deep into the slippery world of lubes.

Types of Lube

Water Based Lubes

Water based lube on a finger
Water based lubes are typically thick but can drip.

Water-based lubes are the popular kid on the block. It’s mainly water (duh!) and awesome because it is friendly with most toys and condoms. Clean up? Because it’s water based it simply rinses off with no staining (usually) to worry about.

However, they’re not without their downsides. Water-based lubricants tend to evaporate or get absorbed into the skin faster than their silicone or oil-based counterparts. This might mean you’ll need to reapply more frequently during extended sessions to maintain optimal comfort and glide. Another potential drawback is that they aren’t the best choice for activities in water, such as in a shower or bathtub, as they quickly and easily wash away.

Silicone Based Lubes

Silicone lube on a finger
Silicone lubes only take a thin layer to do the job.

Silicone-based lubes are the marathon runners of the lube world. Unlike water-based lubricants, silicone lubes provide a silky, long-lasting barrier that doesn’t easily wear off. This characteristic makes them especially useful for extended or back door sessions, reducing the need for frequent reapplication. Silicone lubes are also waterproof, making them pretty much the only choice for fun in the shower, bathtub, or anywhere else you might get wet.

On the flip side, there are certain considerations users should be aware of. Silicone-based lubes can be trickier to wash off, often requiring soap and water for complete removal. Additionally, they may not be compatible with all sex toys, especially those made from silicone, as they can potentially degrade the material.

As a solution to cater to different needs, hybrid silicone lubricants have emerged in the market. These lubricants combine the best of both worlds—offering the longevity and silkiness of silicone with the natural feel and easy cleanup of water-based formulas. These hybrid options can be especially appealing to those looking for a middle ground in their lubrication choices.

Oil Based Lubes

Oil-based lubricants bring their own set of unique characteristics to the realm of personal lubrication. Derived from oils, either natural or synthetic, these lubricants have a distinctively smooth and rich texture. Their consistency is often thicker and can provide a luxurious feel compared to their water or silicone-based counterparts.

One of the significant advantages of oil-based lubricants is their long-lasting nature. They don’t evaporate like water-based lubes, leading to sustained lubrication during intimate activities. For those with sensitive skin, certain natural oil-based lubricants can be especially beneficial as they often contain fewer additives and can be nourishing to the skin. However, there are several factors to be mindful of when considering oil-based options. Firstly, oil-based lubricants can degrade latex condoms, rendering them ineffective and increasing the risk of breakage. This can compromise both contraceptive efficacy and protection against sexually transmitted infections. Another consideration is the potential for staining; oil-based products can leave residue on fabrics that might be challenging to wash out. Lastly, some individuals may find certain oil-based lubes clog their pores, potentially leading to breakouts or skin irritation. As with all personal care products, it’s essential to understand one’s own body and preferences when selecting the best lubrication type.

Natural Lubes

Coconut oil on a finger
Coconut oil goes on thin but absorbs into the skin.

As the push for organic and all-natural products continues to grow across industries, personal lubricants are no exception. Natural or organic lubricants are formulated with ingredients sourced from nature, typically without synthetic additives, preservatives, or chemicals. Common ingredients are aloe vera and coconut and other plant derived oils.

The advantages of natural or organic lubricants are especially appealing to the health-conscious and eco-aware individuals. Many of these products avoid parabens, glycerin, and other synthetic additives that some people prefer to avoid due to sensitivities or personal beliefs about health and wellness. The fact that these lubricants often come without artificial scents or flavors makes them particularly suited for those with allergies or skin sensitivities. Moreover, the eco-friendly ethos behind many of these brands aligns well with consumers who prioritize sustainable and ethical production. However, there are also considerations to keep in mind. Some natural ingredients can still cause allergic reactions in certain individuals, so it’s always important to patch-test any new product. Just like with any lubricant, it’s essential to ensure that the natural product chosen is compatible with any barrier methods or toys being used during intimacy.

Specialized Lubes

The world of personal lubricants isn’t limited to just the basic varieties; there’s a wide array of specialized lubes tailored to specific needs and experiences.

Flavored lubes are primarily designed for oral activities and come in a plethora of tastes ranging from fruity options like strawberry or cherry to more decadent options like chocolate or vanilla.

While they can add a fun and tasty twist to intimate moments, users should be cautious. Some flavored lubricants may contain sugars or other additives that can disrupt the pH balance of the vagina, potentially leading to yeast infections.

Numbing lubes, often containing agents like benzocaine or lidocaine, are designed to decrease sensitivity and prolong intimate activities. However, while they may delay climax for some, they can also mask discomfort or pain, which could be indicative of underlying issues that shouldn’t be ignored.

Spermicidal lubes, on the other hand, contain chemicals designed to immobilize or kill sperm, thereby providing an added layer of contraceptive protection. It’s important to note, though, that they shouldn’t be relied upon as a sole method of birth control, and some individuals may experience irritation from the active ingredients.

Finally, sensation-enhancing lubricants aim to elevate the intimate experience by providing warming, cooling, or tingling sensations. These lubes often contain ingredients like menthol or capsaicin to stimulate the applied areas. While many enjoy the heightened sensations, others might find them too intense or even irritating. As always, personal preference plays a crucial role, and what works for one individual might not work for another.

Health and Safety

Choosing the right lube isn’t just about the feel. You’ve got to make sure you’re making healthy choices too.

Some ingredients might not play well with everyone. Glycerin, propylene glycol, and parabens are commonly found in many lubes but can sometimes be problematic for certain individuals. Always check the ingredients list, especially if you have skin sensitivities or allergies. Unsure about which ingredients to avoid? Dive into our guide on ingredients.

And then there’s the question of compatibility, especially with toys. Before slathering your silicone toy with lube, do a patch test. Apply a bit of the lube on a small section, wait for a bit, and check if the toy’s texture changes. Always wash it off after testing.

And don’t forget about condom compatibility. Oil-based lubes can weaken latex condoms, so be sure of what you’re using and how they work together.

How to Decide

Choosing the right lube can feel overwhelming given the vast array of options but it boils down to just a few simple decisions.

  • Is your skin highly sensitive? Look for a natural or organic formulation.
  • Are you going to bring toys into the mix? Consider their material and ensure your lube is compatible.
  • Are you using condoms or other forms of barrier contraceptive? Make sure your lube won’t degrade them.
  • Is water going to be involved? Look for a long lasting hybrid or silicone lube.
  • Consider the intended action. If you’re looking for some back door play or planning a marathon session, make sure your lube can support that.

Here’s an at a glance table of the options and their tradeoffs

Water Silicone Hybrid Oil/Natural
Latex Safe ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Silicone Safe ✔️ ✔️
Masturbation ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Vaginal Sex ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Anal Sex ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Shower Sex ✔️ ✔️
Waterproof ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Long Lasting ✔️ ✔️ ✔️


Navigating the vast world of personal lubricants can be a journey, but understanding the nuances of each type ensures enhanced comfort, pleasure, and safety during intimate moments. Whether it’s water-based for easy cleanup, silicone-based for lasting glide, oil-based for a luxurious feel, or specialized lubes tailored for specific sensations, there’s a perfect match for everyone’s unique needs. However, diligence is key: always read labels to avoid potentially problematic ingredients and conduct compatibility tests to ensure the longevity of your cherished silicone toys. Above all, remember that introducing lubricants into your intimate activities can elevate the experience, bridging any natural gaps in lubrication and providing added sensations. Interested in diving deeper into the world of lubes? Explore detailed reviews and recommendations right here on this blog, ensuring you make an informed and satisfying choice for your intimate needs.

Don’t let the wide world of lubricants intimidate you. Each drop holds the promise of enhanced intimacy, comfort, and pleasure. Dive in, experiment, and find your perfect glide. Need a push in the right direction? Dive into our reviews today here at The Strawberry Patch.

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